The mission of the Spanish National Research Council is to promote, coordinate, develop and disseminate scientific and technological multidisciplinary research, in order to contribute to the progress of knowledge and economic, social and cultural development; as well as to train researchers and provide advice to public and private entities in these fields.
The Spanish National Research Council is the main agent responsible for implementing the Spanish System for Science, Technology and Innovation; and in order to undertake this mission, it is capacitated to carry out activities aimed.
CSIC and specifically the Polymer Biotechnology group, is involved in the extraction of natural polyesters, based on insects such as the black soldier fly. They are also helping to develop a microbial fermentation library creating models to optimize extraction.

Key people

Professor Auxiliadora Prieto
M. Auxiliadora Prieto is a Research Professor at CSIC and is coordinator of the SusPlast platform, an interdisciplinary technology platform for sustainable plastic of CSIC (https://pti-susplast.csic.es/en/). She leads the Polymer Biotechnology group as part of the Microbial and Plant Biotechnology Department of the Biological Research Centre Margarita Salas (CIB-CSIC).
E-mail address: auxi@cib.csic.es